After 35 years of buying, scaling, and selling businesses, 5X owner of Inc. fasting growing companies releases... 
New Book Reveals Little-Known Wall Street Insider Strategy To Quickly Acquire Profitable Businesses Worldwide, Without Using Your Own Money or Credit...

Even If You've Never Owned A Business Before!

5 Proven Steps To Quickly Acquire Businesses + Unlimited Leads For Zero Money Out Of Pocket
Discover The EXACT Strategy Roland Has Used To Found, Acquire, Scale & Sell Over Two Dozen Businesses With Sales Ranging From $3M To Just Under $4B...
Businesses ranging from brick and mortar retail stores, service providers, manufacturers, and live events to online businesses like Amazon sellers, e-learning companies, Saas, software and e-commerce and information businesses.
Learn How To...
  • Acquire complete businesses to add to your existing business (literally double the size of your business overnight with just one acquisition)
  • Go from EMPLOYEE to OWNER without the risk and expense of a start-up (so you can finally be the BOSS yourself and stop working to make someone else rich!)
  • ​Control “traffic assets” like Facebook Groups, Amazon Product Listings, YouTube Channels, Instagram Pages, and more that ALREADY have THOUSANDS of your IDEAL customers (so you can acquire customers from your OWN media instead of paying sky high prices to advertise)
  • ​INSTANTLY jump to the #1 space in search engines like Google buy acquiring sites that ALREADY rank there (so you no longer have to rely on paid ads to drive traffic, leads and customers to your website).

"We Bought A Company!!"

Thanks to all the advice, wisdom, feedback, and info that's come from business partner and I have successfully purchased our first business for no money out of pocket!

- Matt Rosen


Just closed my first no money Out Of Pocket deal #feelingblessed and 3 more in the pipeline!

- Anthony Franck

"I Closed The Deal In Less Than 24 Hours"

Shout out to Roland...I took his advice and tips on acquiring businesses and I just closed on acquiring a software company...AND I did it with no cash injection!

- Todd Herman
This Book Is A MUST HAVE If You Are...
  • A Business Owner Needing to Overcome COVID-19 Related Growth Stalls to Reactivate Revenue & Profit Compounding
  • An Employee Who Finally Wants to Be in Charge, Be Your Own Boss and Stop Working to Make Someone Else Rich!
  • A Consultant or Coach Who Would Like More Clients Without Having To Spend Thousands Of Dollars On Ads, Marketing Agencies or Hundreds of Hours Creating Content Hoping It Will Generate More Business  
  • Looking for “Once In A Lifetime” Acquisition Opportunities in This Recession (and Helping Struggling Business Owners While You're At It)
  • Searching For a Proven, Time-Tested Process for Acquiring Businesses That Works Anywhere in The World Without “Hacks”, “Tricks” or Short-Lived Strategies (Roland Has Used These Strategies For Over 35 Years And Counting)
  • An Amazon Seller Seeking to Break Free of Dependence on Amazon For The Majority Of Your Customers & Sales
  • Wanting 8 Proven Strategies to Acquire A Business With Little Or No Money Down, Not Using Any Of Your Own Cash or Credit, And Not Signing On For Any Personal Debt (While Staying in the "Zone of Fairness" in a Win/Win Deal)
Ready To Take Control Of Your Life & Your Business Strategy To Finally Get
Fellow Entrepreneur Or Aspiring Business Owner,

Is 2020 the year you take your business to the next level?

Maybe you are looking for a new industry to get started in or expand into without the risk of getting involved in a start-up. 

Or, maybe you’re wanting to get off of the employee treadmill, find your own business to run and stop working for a paycheck while building wealth for someone else.  

Or, maybe you are searching for a “bolt-on-business” to increase your profits or multiply your revenue in a business you already own.  

Or, maybe you’ve already got a great product or service and all you need is greater exposure to get it in front of more customers or clients. 


If you are looking to start a new business from scratch, DON’T!  

It’s hard and 90% of new businesses ultimately fail. And, right now, this is the WORST time to start a NEW business. 

Why not ACQUIRE a business instead. When you acquire an existing, profitable business you get… 

• INSTANT Systems 
• INSTANT Connections
• INSTANT Employees
• INSTANT Customers
• INSTANT Sales, and
• INSTANT Profits

Why? Because, an existing business ALREADY has ALL of those things. A Start-up literally has absolutely NONE! 


Why, because as we learned above, an existing, profitable business gives you… 

• INSTANT Systems 
• INSTANT Connections
• INSTANT Employees
• INSTANT Customers
• INSTANT Sales, and
• INSTANT Profits

An existing traffic asset like a Website, Facebook Group or Page, Facebook, Shopify or Ebay Store, LinkedIn or Meetup Group, Podcast, YouTube Channel or Instagram Account give you…

• INSTANT Traffic 
• INSTANT Search Engine Rankings
• INSTANT Networking
• INSTANT Connections

PLUS, when you control media like that…

• You are the trusted authority 
• You can stop paying ridiculous ad costs to acquire customers
• You control the narrative with your messaging
• You can keep your competitors from accessing it
• You get proven content without having to create any of it

The time is NOW!

Due to the current COVID-19 economic crisis, businesses around the world are in danger of or already closing their doors.

These once viable businesses are having to close up shop and they’ll be gone for good.  

The exact business or traffic asset that could be a perfect fit to add to your portfolio, serve as a launch pad for your first-time as business owner, or segue your product into a new market… 

And there’s another HUGE benefit to society when you do this. 

YOU have the opportunity to take the stress off these fellow business owners that can’t survive and are drowning in debt (and help keep some employee jobs while you’re at it).  

It’s time we as business owners step up to not only profit during these times, but ethically profit through this crisis. 

If you aren’t looking to win through this crisis while being fair and just to fellow citizens and business owners, then you can stop reading here…

But if you are, keep reading…

My name is Roland Frasier, and throughout my career as a “recovering attorney” and entrepreneur, I’ve bought and sold over 100 public and private companies ranging from a few million to just under $4 billion in sales over the past 35 years.  

I’ve focused my career on creative deal structuring and low to no money down acquisitions where I can add value, grow, scale and sell the businesses I acquire. 

And over these past 35 years I’ve developed step-by-step strategies and tactics on both finding business to acquire, how to approach the right people, and how to get the deals done! 


You make your money when you buy!  

That’s right, the biggest opportunity to make profits buying businesses or traffic assets is to buy them with the least possible amount of your own personal cash out of pocket. 

A lot of people think that the most successful deals happen when you sell, but if you can acquire businesses or traffic assets with $0 out of your own pocket, your returns can be almost INFINITE.  

Here’s how… 

Let’s say you acquire a business the traditional way (we almost NEVER do this by the way). 

You acquire a business for $100,000 and put down 50% or $50,000. 

Now, let’s say 1 year later you sell that business for $200,000. You’ve doubled your money, right? 

Well, actually, because you only paid $50k down, you’ve actually TRIPLED your money.  
$200,000 Selling price
-$50,000 ½ of original $100k purchase price financed
$150,000 Cash in pocket after paying off $50k loan
/ $50,000 Down Payment
3x Return On Your Initial Investment of $50k

This is cool, but you had to have the $50k to invest when you acquired the business. You may not always have that kind of money laying around, and also, what if you wanted to buy a $1 million business, or a $10 million business, then you’d need to have $500,000 or $5 million to do that kind of deal. 

Not only that, but if you wanted to buy 3 or 5 or 10 businesses, you’d always need to invest more of your own cash to make it happen. 

Fortunately, there’s a BETTER WAY! 


Let’s say you acquire that same $100k business, but instead you use only $1 of your own money out of pocket. (I show you how to use $0 out of pocket in the book, but let’s use $1 here just to show how insanely cool this is)… 

$200,000 Selling price 
-$99,999 We finance all but $1 of the original purchase
$101,000 Cash in pocket after paying off $99,999
/ $1              Down Payment
101x Return on Your Initial Investment

So, which is better, a 3X return on your investment or a 101X return? 

The key is knowing how to use leverage so that you can acquire the business or traffic asset you want to acquire, but without using any of your own cash out of pocket. 

When you can reduce your cash out of pocket, your return on investment increases exponentially. 

Better still, when you can do deals and acquire businesses and traffic assets without using any of your own money or credit, it’s like having an INFINITE CHECKBOOK. 

You can literally buy as many of these as you like, because you are not constrained by your cash on hand or your credit. 


Great question! Here’s the best part.  

Using the strategies you’ll learn in this book, you’ll discover some of the same little-known strategies used by high-level Wall Street investment banking houses like Goldman-Sachs and investing legends like Warren Buffet, Richard Branson, George Soros and Carl Icahn that have enabled them to become some of the most wealthy and powerful investors in the world. 

Here’s part of the secret, “You can finance the acquisition of businesses and traffic assets without using any of your own credit.” 

In the book, I give you eight complete strategies on exactly how to do that.  

That’s right, you can actually get financing that doesn’t require you to use your own credit. With what I’ll show you in the book you’ll learn how to HAVE THE BUSINESS LITERALLY PAY FOR ITSELF! 

You read that right, I’m going to show you exactly how to have the business you buy, pay for itself with its own money! 

Once you learn how to do this, your life will be forever changed. You’ll be able to confidently acquire as many businesses as you like, never risking your own cash or credit. 

Just imagine the power you’ll feel and the freedom when you understand and master this closely guarded secret of the most powerful business icons from Rockefeller and JP Morgan to Warren Buffet and Richard Branson. 

You will feel like what the Wall Street Elite call themselves… “A Master of the Universe.” 


And these are strategies and tactics business owners just like you can learn in just a matter of days. 

As a matter of fact, because I’ve been doing this so long and taught it to literally thousands of people just like you, I’ve been able to boil a 4 year college business degree and 2 year MBA worth of business buying education, down into just the essentials, in a book you can read in a single day. 

You can read my book in one sitting if you like, in a single day, and then start acquiring businesses in as few as 5 days. 

The good news is that it won’t cost you $492,028 like it would if you went to Harvard and got yourself a business degree followed by an MBA. 

Oh, and it also won’t suck up 6 years of your life. 

And, even if you were to go to all that trouble, time and expense, you still wouldn’t come out knowing how to do this stuff. 

The good news is that you can save that 6 years and half million dollars and have something FAR MORE VALUABLE than a fancy college education. 

You can invest only $7.95 today, save yourself $492,020.05 and have a portable skill that you can use for the rest of your life. 

Entrepreneurs right now are setting themselves to come out of the COVID-19 crisis better than they went in and I want to help YOU do the same. 

That is why I’ve put together my “ZERO DOWN: 5 Proven Steps” book. 

I want you to use it to become an E.P.I.C. Investor.  

What exactly does E.P.I.C. stand for? 

Throughout this revolutionary book, we will be focusing on how to Ethically Profit In Crisis. That’s what E.P.I.C. stands for, because I believe that it is possible for you to now only profit, but to profit ethically, even in a crisis like the one we find ourselves in right now.  

And by the end of the book, you will have a list of at least 5 laser focused acquisition opportunities to add to your portfolio, and you’ll know 8 ways to acquire them with no money out of your own pocket and without using any of your own credit. 

I will walk you through every step of the way… 

1. We will focus on exactly where to start and how to position yourself to acquire these $0 out of pocket deals… 

2. How to find businesses that are open to $0 out of pocket deals (and ones that don’t even know yet that they are)… 

3. How to approach the right people (and exactly what to say and do to have them chomping at the bit to sell you their businesses or traffic assets)… 

4. How to creatively put together a deal in which everyone wins, because E.P.I.C. investors only do win/win deals...  

5. And 8 ways to fund a deal (we call this the deal stack because these 8 ways can be stacked together like building blocks) without having to come out of your own pocket or use your own credit... 

And it’s all done through a step-by-step road map tailored just for you. 

So if you are ready to get focused, take action, and win - claim your copy of the Zero Down book right now. 

I am so excited to share this process with you…because I know the power and potential it has for you as well as the impact it can make to others around you. 

Imagine what’s possible when I take you through my 35 years of experience in 85 highly tactical, easy to ready, and concise pages and leave you ready to make your first (or next) acquisition. 

What would it mean to you to not only see this process… 

But also be armed to take powerful daily action through the support and guidance in this highly tactical but extremely approachable and easy to read book with simple, powerful, proven strategies laid out for you step-by-step. 

Click the button below and claim your book TODAY! 

To your success, 

- Roland 
Who Is Roland Frasier?
Roland is a “recovering attorney” and co-founder/principal of 5 different Inc. Magazine fastest growing companies in the e-commerce, e-learning, real estate and SaaS spaces. 

He is a serial entrepreneur who has founded, scaled or sold over two dozen different businesses ranging from consumer products to live events to manufacturing companies with sales ranging from $3 million to to just under $4 billion. 

Roland has been featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, Money, Business Insider, Fast Company and on major television networks. 

He has interviewed Sir Richard Branson, Spanx founder Sarah Blakely and many other industry leaders on his award winning Business Lunch podcast.

He has produced infomercials with Guthy-Renker, completed publishing deals with Simon & Schuster and Random House, negotiated shows with major hotels on the Las Vegas strip, funded over 100 private and public offerings, run an international hedge fund, and advised major brands (from PepsiCo to Uber to MacDonald's) on a variety of business issues.

He currently lives in Rancho Santa Fe, California and invests in and advises business owners on how to leverage, grow, scale and exit their companies.
Don't Just Take Our Word For It...
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BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: All products and services offered by Scalable are intended to provide prospective purchasers with general business strategies, marketing methods and other general advice for business development and training. At no point is Scaleable soliciting anyone to enter into a new business nor is it representing, either expressly or by implication, that it will provide locations for a business, provide outlets, accounts, or customers, or purchase any of the goods or services made by the purchaser.

The products being offered through this promotion are packages of informational tools to help you learn about business and deal making strategies.